
Market Failure, Part 2 – Deeper Look

Detail on the 3 interrelated “imperfections” that ruin the delivery of health in the United States and abroad. In the previous post, I promised a more thorough explanation but “ran out of room”. First is the mismatch between objective medical quality and patients” perception of quality. Second, and closely related to the first, are the incentives that creates for providers.…

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Market Failure, Part 1

Why sustainable, quality care is so hard to find – nutshell version A fairly routine week here in Nairobi, so it”s a great chance to discuss a major problem I am  trying to navigate here – how to sell high quality health care.* Not like buying pizza At first glance, this may seem simple. Those who value their health should be…

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The Fundamental Question

For my first* post, I will try to answer the fundamental question behind all this pregnancy and baby care hoopla – does it all matter? If kids were genetic automatons, then it wouldn’t much matter what we do to them. No amount of good parenting would do much good. As long as you and your partner have high IQs and fancy graduate…

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